One Happy Time Clock User Now Using Job Tracking

Having used Time Clock MTS for just over 5 years, Larkin Holavarri of Soft Star Shoes recently contacted us with an enquiry about the software. His manufacturing and retail business in Oregon needed to use departments to help differentiate areas of payroll within the company. He mentioned one particular employee working in production for 4 days of the week and project development on a fifth day. From a management and payroll point of view he wanted to easily see how much money was being spent on development costs in his business.

Our support team suggested they begin using the job tracking feature integrated within Time Clock MTS to easily keep track and see how much time is being spent on other projects or on different tasks. Larkin was impressed the software already had these features built in and thanked the support team for explaining the process.

We’ve popped up his kind testimonial over on our customer reviews page where you can read about other happy time clock customers and how Time Clock MTS moulds itself into their companies being easily configured to suit your business demands.

Time Clock MTS

The Easy Employee TimeClock System

Time Clock MTS

The easy to use time clock software with a fully functional 30 day trial.

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