Two Week Work Schedule Template in Excel
The Two Week Work Schedule Template is another of our employee and shift scheduling templates. It is built in Microsoft Excel and presents two weeks of work time in one week segments split day by day and then into 30 minute blocks. The template allows you to select the first day of the two week schedule and once selected the weekdays and dates of the schedule will automatically update to suit. You could type your work or employee schedule directly into this Excel template and then print it, or once you’ve selected the dates you require, print it out blank and fill it in by hand later. Either way it’s going to be a useful tool to help plan your or your employees work days better.
Planning when work is going to happen is one thing and this template makes that task a little bit easier. Actually tracking when work happens and what time is spent on is more complex. Sure you could keep track of what you’re doing on a scrap of paper (awful), or a paper timesheet (slightly less awful), or even using an Excel timesheet (less awful again but not ideal). The best solution is to use Time Clock MTS, great job tracking software that will allow you to record when you or your employees arrive at work, track exactly what jobs or tasks they are working on during the day, and then when they leave for the day. You can then report on their work activity in just a few seconds and compare it easily with your planned two week work schedule. There’s a free 30 day trial available and even a 100% free version if you have less than four employees.
Time Clock MTS
The Easy Employee Job Tracker

It’s a snap to use our work schedule template to plan out two weeks work of work and you can quickly and easily change the work dates and plan our your work or employee shifts many weeks in advance. If you’re wanting to improve your work efficiency or need to keep control of your employee wage costs then you’ll need to track the exact time you or your employees spend working. Time Clock MTS can be used on any Windows computer or tablet to track the time spent working on jobs, and you can report on those times without the need to muck about with spreadsheets or paper time cards. Your time is worth too much to be doing that. The free 30 day trial means there’s no risk to you at all, so give it a try today!
Time Clock MTS
Easy Job Tracking Software
Time Clock MTS
The easy to use job tracking software with a fully functional 30 day trial.
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