Time Clock Software Blog

A Blog from the authors of Time Clock MTS, a cost effective time and attendance software solution

How to Create Many Time Clock MTS Employees Quickly

Time Clock MTS has some features that allow you to create multiple employees for your time clock system quickly and accurately. This can significantly speed up the process of setting up Time Clock MTS for the first time as well as adding new employees to an existing system. It can also help to greatly reduce data entry errors when creating new employees. This Time Clock MTS How-To Article takes you through the process of creating four new employee records using the Export Employee Data and Import Employee Data features within Time Clock MTS. 1. Export Your Existing Employees to Microsoft Excel This process relies on you having some existing employees in your Time Clock MTS database and that you have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer. Log into the Time Clock MTS Administrator program as the admin and go to the Employee Maintenance->Export Employees menu (see the image above). 2. Confirm the Export Employees Action Time Clock MTS will ask you to confirm the export employees action (see the image above). Click the OK button to proceed. 3. View the Exported Employee Data A Microsoft Excel window will appear containing your existing employee data (see the image above). It is important to realize that Time Clock MTS uses the Employee Badge as the unique identifier for each employee. The consequence of this is if you change the Badge numbers of the employees in your exported data to new numbers and import that data back into Time Clock MTS it considers them to be entirely new employees. 4. Edit the Exported Employee Data We’re going to change the employee name... read more

Farm Time Clock Software

Randall Holt, vice president of Robert Holt Farms has been communicating with me from time to time over the last few years. His company has been making use of Time Clock MTS in this time to track their employee time card information. I wasn’t really aware of how they were using the software until Randall mentioned something about using it over a wide area (20+ miles) on a wireless network. I asked for a few more details and here’s what Randall had to say: You have been really great to work with. We are spread out over a 25 mile radius and we don’t always start and end work at the same location. We have a wireless network set up, and are running Timeclock MTS. It has saved many hours of time and miles on company vehicles for employees to clock in and out near the location they start or end work. The support for this product has been stellar. We needed some help for the first few weeks (most problems were our own), but after that this product has been running rock-solid for three years. Randall HoltRobert Holt FarmsUtah, USA It’s always great to hear about how Time Clock MTS is being used out in the “wild”! If you’ve got a story to tell please contact us so we can put your company’s story here on the... read more

New Website Pages Added!

We’ve been working hard creating some useful pages for the Time Clock MTS website over the last couple of days. The Time Clock Software screenshot page was too long and didn’t include a number of screens so we’ve split it into several different pages, tried to categorize the screenshots better than we have previously, and added some missing screen images. Head over to the Time Clock MTS Screenshots page to check it out. We’ve also created step-by-step guides for downloading Time Clock MTS and installing Time Clock MTS. Because the method for downloading files can vary based on what internet browser you’re using we’ve used a bit of trickery to change the download guide dependent on what browser you happen to be viewing the page in. It’s been tested on as many browsers as we have here but if you see something weird with the page please let us know what browser/version you’re using so we can check it... read more

We’ve Just Released Time Clock MTS Version 4.0.1

I’m happy to say that Time Clock MTS Version 4.0.1 has been released today. This is the first major version update we’ve had since October 2010. That might sound like we’ve been sitting idle for a while but there’s been 40 minor releases during that two year period, an average of one release every 2.5 weeks. There’s been a lot of changes to our employee time clock software, with 50 separate items listed in the Release Notes. Rather than talk about all of the changes in one blog entry I thought I’d cover them in several entries. This first entry will discuss the major new features, the second will cover the minor tweaks and improvements, and the final will cover the bug fixes. If you can’t wait then take a look at the Release Notes for a full list of the changes. Key New Features Employee Time Off Requests – employees can now request time off. These requests can be approved and denied by the time clock administrator. When approved Time Clock MTS can automatically create the clock in / out pairs for the time off period. Employees can only make time off requests when using the Employee List Interface. For more information see the Time Off Requests help topic. Importing and Exporting Employees – the time clock administrator can now import employee data from an Excel spreadsheet. This is a very fast way of building your employee database. Employee data can also be exported to an Excel spreadsheet for use in other systems or to be used as a template for importing new employees. For more information see... read more

Time Clock MTS Version 4.0.1 – Part 3

This is the final entry about the release of version 4 of our Time Clock Software. This entry will cover the bugs that were found and squashed for this release. Employees no longer receive credit for public holidays before their hire date. Problem only happened if a report was run for a period before the employee hire date. The Edit Employee / Edit Times double click popup window now only pops up when the administrator is logged into the admin software. Would popup in the client software and not take the administrator anywhere. The Time Clock MTS window can now (finally) be re-sized properly. Fixed a situation where the Time Clock MTS process could still be running even though the program had been exited. When the number of employee licenses is exceeded the software now takes users to the correct URL to buy an employee database expansion. Fixed a fairly obscure error in overtime calculations where the OT2 rate was not applied correctly when an employee exceeded the weekly overtime limit on the seventh day of a week. Fixed some problems with various numeric fields on the Employee Maintenance screen . Ran and tested the software at a Windows DPI setting of 125% and fixed up several labels and captions that were not displaying correctly. The background images on the Splash screen and Help->About Time Clock MTS screen now display correctly at 125% DPI. The employee comment box no longer insists on an employee comment when employee comments are optional. Fixed up connection time calculation problems on the Tools->Manage Connections screen. Fixed up an issue with the First Run... read more

Time Clock MTS Version 4.0.1 Released – Part 2

This second blog entry about the release of Time Clock MTS Version 4 will cover the minor tweaks and improvements that we included in the timeclock software. In most cases you probably won’t notice a lot of these changes but it’s worth listing them off anyway. The Display Settings screen has been re-laid out. The Interface Settings screen has been re-designed and laid out differently. The control used for several different lists in the software has been changed to a new one. Should help improve the memory usage and performance of the software. The sort order of times on the Edit Times screen is now remembered. The Edit Times screen now displays the weekday name alongside of times. The Help menu now includes a link to take users directly to our Contact Us page. Some changes made to the Internet time servers, including getting rid of a couple of dead servers and replacing them with servers that work. When checking a custom time server on the Security Options screen a more sensible error is now displayed when no actual server details are entered. A few reports have been re-named for reasons of consistency. This includes changing the the Employee Notes report to the Employee Comments Report and the Detailed Punchcard Report with Full Notes to the Detailed Punchcard Report with Full Comments. The Time Log screen has been renamed to the Time Audit Log screen, as have all associated settings and help files. Various parts of the program code have had extra debugging added to them or have been optimized heavily to reduce database load and program speed. The... read more