Time Clock Software Blog

A Blog from the authors of Time Clock MTS, a cost effective time and attendance software solution

Version 3.0.4 Released

I’ve just uploaded version 3.0.4 of Time Clock MTS. This new version fixes up a couple of problems with job based reports that were included with the release of Version 3 of Time Clock MTS. The new job selection drop down on the Report Configuration Screen wasn’t selecting the right job, this is now correct. The second change modifies the Job Punchcard Report to include both the Clock In and Clock Out notes on the report. Thanks to a user who is making heavy use of the time clock job tracking features of the software in his rust repair/collision repair workshop for bringing these problems to my... read more

Version 3.0.3 Released

Just a minor release today, I’ve fixed up the code that generates the mySQL database creation script (found on the Tools->Generate mySQL Creation Script menu) to remove the double quotes around each line. Another problem fixed was with the departmental folder view on the employee list when the software was connected to mySQL or SQL Server. Stay tuned for a detailed blog entry on setting up Time Clock MTS with mySQL, mySQL is free and provides a real improvement over the standard MS Access database backend. It’s well worth the effort to get Time Clock MTS using mySQL as a backend... read more

Version 3.0.2 Released

I’ve just made the first minor release of version 3 of Time Clock MTS. This release fixes up an error with vacation and sick time accrual starting balances. In some situations the employment type starting balance for both sick and vacation time was being ignored. It was a simple fix and my thanks go out to the Time Clock MTS user who pointed out the problem and kindly supplied their data so I could track it down and test the fix. As always I welcome all communication from the many users of Time Clock MTS and if you do find a problem with the software please don’t hesitate to Contact... read more

View All Times Spent on One Job

Prior to the release of Time Clock MTS Version 3 all the Time Clock MTS job based reports were run for all jobs. A common request we had was to allow reports to be run for a single job to allow for simple cost tracking on a job by job basis. This has now been accomplished simply by placing a job selection drop down on the Report Configuration screen which you can see above. It’s a simple matter now to select a job from this drop down and then choose a job based report to run (like the Job Punchcard Report or the Job Time Report). The data on the report will then be restricted to the job you selected from the drop down. If you’re not sure what job tracking in Time Clock MTS is or you just want to know how to make it work then you should try watching the Time Clock Job Tracking... read more

Dealing with Employees with Existing Accrual Balances

A common issue that the new user to Time Clock MTS has is dealing with bringing employees into Time Clock MTS that have existing sick and vacation accrual balances. Prior to the release of Time Clock MTS Version 3 the only real solution was to set the hire date of the employee to the day they were entered into Time Clock MTS. Then their accrual starting balance (either the employment type starting balance or the employee starting balance) could be set to their actual balance. This worked fine but not having the hire date set correctly could affect on going accrual calculations or lead to confusion when manually setting those employees to different accrual schemes as their years of service increased. This has all changed, though, as of version 3 of Time Clock MTS. A couple of innocuous little settings (seen in the screenshot above) allow you to set an accrual start date for employees with existing accrual balances. When the Accrual Start Date checkbox is checked and a date set that date is used as a starting date for that employees accruals and the employees starting balance used as a starting balance. This ensures that the accrual calculations are accurate and that no confusion arises because of an incorrect employee hire date. So, here’s how to setup an existing accrual balance for an employee being entered into the Time Clock MTS software for the first time. Setup the Vacation Accrual Scheme and Sick Time Accrual Scheme and assign them to the employee as required. Transfer the sick time and vacation accrual balances from your existing attendance system into... read more

Version 3 Released

I’m happy to announce that Version 3 of Time Clock MTS has been released today. There’s a lot of new features in the software, a number of bug fixes, and some new logging code to make any new errors easier to track down. You can find details of the changes below. New Features The Tools->Interface Settings screen now allows you to select either small or large fonts for the Employee List Interface. The Edit Times screen now remembers column widths if you adjust them. The number of hours credited to an employee on a Public Holiday can now be set on an employee by employee basis. So, for example, you could set holidays to credit 8 hours and then go through and modify your part time employees to credit them with less hours. This is adjusted on the Employee Maintenance->Payroll Settings screen. The Daily Time Report has been added. This shows all clock in and out events in time order split up by days. A new Report Section Template field has been added. This allows you to display the actual hours worked for a salaried employee who is set to always be paid their salary regardless of hours worked. A new Report Section Template field has been added. This shows the time worked less any accruals during the report period. The Bulk Add Time screen has been modified to allow you to add up to 7 different times at once. The Export Data functionality has been completely changed. You can now define any report format you like and export it to any text format you like. This will be... read more