Salaried Employees and Work Hours Reported

Control how reports are formatted to suit your requirements.

Control how reports are formatted to suit your requirements.

A couple of times this year I’ve had questions from Time Clock MTS users who thought that the actual hours worked for salaried employees was reported incorrectly on various Time Clock MTS reports. The mis-understanding arises because of two factors:

1) Time Clock MTS allows you to track the clock in and out times of salaried employees BUT….

2) Time Clock MTS calculates the actual work hours of salaried employees on a pro-rated basis of elapsed calendar weeks or months across a report period.

In a nut shell this means if you’ve got a salaried employee whose salary period is weekly, you’ve got your work week set to 40 hours, and you run a report for two weeks then the reported work hours for that salaried employee will be 80 hours. Regardless of the hours actually worked by the employee.

You can see the actual hours worked by a salaried employee by editing the Employee Summary and Payroll Summary section templates on the Report Settings screen. Edit these templates to include the data field along with a descriptive label and you’ll be able to see the actual hours worked by your salaried employees during the reporting period.

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