The Time Clock MTS 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

I want you to be happy with Time Clock MTS, and when you purchase Time Clock MTS I want you to feel that you’ve spent your money well. Because of this Time Clock MTS comes with a no questions asked, 30 day money back guarantee. If at any stage during the 30 days after purchasing Time Clock MTS you find you’re unhappy with Time Clock MTS, or you feel like it doesn’t meet your needs, or it’s not giving you value for your money then just:

  • Contact Us and let me know what it is you’re unhappy about with Time Clock MTS.
  • Let me know your Time Clock MTS registration name and purchase reference number.

Once you’ve done that we’ll give you a refund. It really couldn’t be any easier.

Remember though that our support staff are here to guide you though any troubles you might have with the setup of the Time Clock and a quick email to us or browse through our extensive online support resources might just fix that problem or answer that question you’re not sure about. Don’t forget the 30 day free trial will allow you to test out and use Time Clock MTS completely free before making your purchase.

Time Clock MTS

The Easy Employee TimeClock System

Time Clock MTS

The easy to use time clock software with a fully functional 30 day trial.

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Purchase a registration key from our online shop. Only buy once, no monthly fees.