Online Time Clock MTS is Coming Soon

The real benefit of time clock software lays in the productivity savings you gain from gathering and processing time and attendance information efficiently, and the costs savings you gain from removing employee fraud and calculation errors. Time Clock MTS gives you these benefits in one simple to use piece of software, given that you want to collect all of your information on the one network and using MS Windows based PC’s. However, if you have geographically separated locations or dont run MS Windows based PC’s then it’s a little more difficult to use Time Clock MTS. You can use it through the use of remote desktop tools (such as Windows Terminal Services) and Windows emulators (such as WiNe) but these add a layer of complexity that is not really desirable.

The best solution to these problems is by the use of an online time clock. I’m happy to announce that the online version of Time Clock MTS is under development and will be released within the next 12 weeks. Online Time Clock MTS is a completely hosted solution (we hold all your information and host the software) meaning you don’t need to install anything on your PC’s. All you’ll need to do is log into your Online Time Clock MTS account and clock in and out, run reports, and configure the software in the same way you do now with the desktop version. And this can be done from anywhere, using any computer that has a web browser!

Stay tuned, I’ll be posting screenshots here as they become available.

Update: Online Time Clock MTS is now available

Time Clock MTS

The Easy Employee TimeClock System

Time Clock MTS

The easy to use time clock software with a fully functional 30 day trial.

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