When I buy Time Clock MTS is it a one time fee or do I have to renew yearly?

A fairly common question I get from prospective users is whether purchasing Time Clock MTS is a one time thing or is a yearly renewal required? Here’s the answer:

  1. When you buy Time Clock MTS you get a lifetime license to use that version of the software, it entitles you to one year of email support and software updates.
  2. Once a year has elapsed since the purchase of Time Clock MTS you’ll receive an email allowing you to renew your email support and software update contract for a further year. The cost of this is $25 (US) for the Stand Alone Version, $50 (US) for the Network Version, and $100 (US) for the Network PLUS Version. Of course you don’t have to renew but you wont be eligible for support nor will you be able to receive updates to the software that might include new features or bug fixes.

That’s all there is to it. There’s no need to renew your support every year if you don’t want to, Time Clock MTS is very reliable and has enough flexibility to support most businesses right now. However, some companies like the surety of email support and the chance to access new features and bug fixes as they become available.

Time Clock MTS

The Easy Employee TimeClock System

Time Clock MTS

The easy to use time clock software with a fully functional 30 day trial.

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