Version 3.2.12 Released

The rollover to January 2012 has thrown up some reporting issues for reports run across two calendar (and I suspect two fiscal) years. I’ve been very keen to jump on these problems immediately and have spent the last several hours putting fixes in place and testing those fixes. Version 3.2.12 of our timecard software is the result and it’s just been uploaded to our servers. Changes made in this version are:

  • A fix to available vacation and sick time for annual accruals when report was run in a different annual accrual period to the reporting period.
  • A fix to the , , and fields that were using the date the report was run to determine the fiscal period rather than the report date.
  • Fix to weekly overtime calculations when a public holiday falls in a week and the Public Holidays Affect OT setting is not checked.
  • Fix to the normal hours total on the Time Breakdown Report.
  • Adjusted the holiday hours report total column width on the Time Breakdown Report.
  • Adjusted some of the coordinates on the First Run Tutorial.

Time Clock MTS

The Easy Employee TimeClock System

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